It's been a long time since I've posted anything. Everything's fine and I've sure enough had a lot of thoughts running through my mind about a variety of things. I've also had continuous problems with one of my son's teachers, so please keep him in prayer, and for the sake of the teacher's safety, pray for me also. Ok I was just joking. But seriously, as an anniversary gift , I took my wife ball room dancing. We are learning how to do the Rumba. Last night, after having discussions about Ms Migilicutty (or is that Ms Crabtree) we departed for our third lesson. While the dancing is fun, the therapy is the most beneficial aspect and I REALLY needed therapy last night.
Now I'm not one to brag, but I can dance. I mean I can put it down. I mean, in college I helped choreograph some of the steps for the marching band. I'm glad to say that I have not lost a step. BUT the rumba is a little different, and in a moment of timidity, I looked at my wife and said now what. She looked at me and gently yet firmly said, "You lead". Those words were liberating. They enabled me to enjoy myself without fear of failure. For the rest of the night we continued to learn new steps, step on each others toes, and bump knees together.
I think that dancing philosophy has unknowingly allowed our marriage to last in spite of both of us coming from so called broken homes, or in her case two blended families. I have some friends that I'd like to go with us. Unfortunately, one won't go because as they said, "saints don't dance", but this saint told their spouse that, "If you don't stop this discussion and go to sleep, I'm going to punch you in your mouth". Sooooooo you can't go to a dance studio (not even a bar), but you can bust your spouse in the face and go to a divorce lawyer.
For the record, I'm saved, and I represent Christ in everything I do but I try not to be tooooo deep. To deep, is shallow all over again.
Until next time, get yo rumba on!
Love you and tell the Mssss. she's really lucky!
As our daughter prepares to get married and leave the nest in a few
months, you have given me a great idea of things my wife and I can do
together, now that we won't have grandchildren to watch (for awhile)
Also tell your friend who said that "Saints don't dance" to read the bible...David Danced wildly for the Lord. lololol
Rumba is a very sexy dance and what a great anniversary gift! I love to hand dance but dont get to do it often one to dance with. :( Mr and Mrs SLC
Love Ya,