I recently had the privilege of visiting my wife’s school. I went by there to catch her since I knew she would faint when I told her the repairs on her car would total $1,200. But a funny thing happened while standing in her classroom. Her 5th and 6th grade special education students were returning from the awards ceremony.
Now for the record I love kids especially our four, but I have no interests in dealing with somebody else’s children. Taking into consideration that her students are either Learning Disabled or Emotionally Disturbed gives me more reason to cling to my four and know more, but for some reason that was beyond me she can never wait to go back to work.
When they first began entering her class my wife was grieving over the money we would be putting out to repair her car, but when the first of many students came running to show her the award or certificate they had received for academic achievement, Urenthia’s (my wife – pronounced just like it looks) countenance changed. These were students she had disciplined (see the word disciple in there), students who lived with neither parent, or students accompanied by a parent who wanted to tell my wife thanks for not giving up on their child.
At that moment it was ever so clear to me that I could get a teaching job, so I could have summers off but I would be doing those kids a great disservice. I’m proud of the fact that many of her students have been transitioned to regular education classes and some of them have even made the honor roll. She knows this because they always come back to say thanks.
I couldn’t be effective in that area because it’s not my calling. So while I would like to have the holidays and the summers off with my wife and four kids, I better stay in my own lane where I have a positive effect on a variety of people (mostly adults) and an appreciative view of her.
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall
2 Peter 1:10
much a kind word can do for a person sometimes..SO I applaud your wife and all teachers.
Perfect - the way her finger points upward w/ joy upon her face.
Keith simple words have saved a lot of lives and brightened some futures.
Free Spirit you are so right about "beyond 8 hours".
Strongblkwmn has a Strongblkdaughter.
She got it honest.
Don that's a picture of my wife preaching (or teaching) at my home church in Paterson New Jersey. The Joy is contagious.
Have a blessed week all.