Blogging provided what I needed when I wanted to get something off my chest in a way that wouldn’t hurt anybody. Blogging provided an outlet for me when I was given a new PERSPECTIVE on the election and wanted to share it with someone; anyone. Blogging provided when I wanted to share my frustrations which are intertwined with my passion.
But that’s not all.
When I wanted top see beyond the political shenanigans and see the Character issues (Thanks Attorney mom) ignored by others, blogging provided. When Don posted his response to a friend in despair over his (ex) girlfriends cheating, just at the time I needed a laugh, blogging provided. When I found a pink motorcycle (Stacye) that reflected God’s healing favor at its finest; blogging provided. When I needed someone to say, keep on giving Potent Praise even in (or especially in) your trying times, blogging provided. When I needed a Word to help me stay focused on what God has called me to do (free spirit butterfly) blogging provided.
I’m not sure I fully understood the impact blogging would have on me from the receiving standpoint. The diversity in the Body of Christ is awesomely displayed through blogging. We can give a word in season to someone that’s weary through blogging. We can change the Spiritual atmosphere in another time zone through blogging. We can even empathize with a hurting brother or sister through blogging.
A season of loss and change in my life has become a season of increase and giving because God has provided blogging and you.
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17
Have a blessed week y’all and thanks
When I started blogging, I had no idea that it would be such a wonderful experience and that I would be able to exchange thoughts and ideas with so many wonderful people. I really appreciate everyone and blogging is now a permanent part of my life.
Sorry I took up some extra space, but sometimes I can't stop pounding the keys.... SLC I truly pray that you are not let go and I hate to sound like a broken record but if so, that means that God has something else planned for you and your time and experience there is up. Hopefully you'll move somewhere near the city where I serve and protect! (smile)
That blog eventually led to visitors, which led to me clicking unto their pages, which led to me beginning my own social blog, which led to me becoming inspired and somewhat healed in ways that I could have never imagined.
It's funny, but during those days where I will think about quitting my job and moving on @ another place of employment I always have to keep one thing in mind - will I be able to blog? LOL.
Thanks for the shout, SLC. I appreciate you for ever taking the time to stop by and read my rantings. Hopefully, more times than not, my post will inspire you and other and vice versa, in much-needed ways.
Strongblkwmn Your 1st 48 blog is the inspiration for my next post.
Free Spirit I stop by your site daily (all of you really). I wish I could wax poetic like you and Don. If you don't see a response, it's because you've left me speechless. The dance.....priceless.
Thanks all for the nourishment
Peace, Love and continued Blessings!
Love, peace & blessings for a great day and I'm with Don, if I can't blog, I don't won't the job!