Apparently one of the bloggers I glean political knowledge from (Keith) has a problem with the new immigration laws in Arizona. Somebody help me understand what the big deal is. They’ll only go after people that might be here illegally. Blog family and friends, please tell me what you think the big problem is.

On another note a crime was committed in North Carolina
and the perp is headed North on I 95
and may be headed towards Philly
after they get through Maryland.
But they may be headed south to Florida

If you see a black male between
5' 8" and 6' 2" weighing between 180 and 220 lbs,
driving an SUV or a late model Japanese sedan,
don't try to stop him, call the cops.

This excludes the following,

Rich Fitzgerald, SLC, Keith, Don, 25Champ, 12Kyle, 
Moaner, All Mi T, CareyCarey, Zack, 
my cousins Robert, Lorenzo, Lonell, John, 
Clarence, Fitzgerald or anyone you may recognize below

Anybody else, might be him so be careful! Better yet, stay home!!!!

Y’all really need to pray for me


Don said…
I am unsure of exactly what the SB1070 law dictates. But I have read that over 50,000 Illegal immigrants reside in the state of Arizona, so that could be the reason why the law was placed in motion.

A fellow blogger stated that it gives police the right to harass 'brown people.' I asked if she was willing to stop through and offer clarity.

As for me I get harassed by police all the, I have grown accustomed.
25champ said…
I agree wit Don being harassed by the police is norm if u got brown skin where I'm from so I'm not really concerned.
Moanerplicity said…
Hmmm... somehow, I'm reminded of that poem from earlier part of the 20th century, which stated:

"When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out."

I can't speak for him, but maybe Keith's sentiments might just stem for the same credo.

So many people, so few cops, and fewer of the latter DOING the RIGHT THING is cause for concern. As Black Men we should know all to well how that uniform can hide corrupt mindsets, deep-seated prejudices, and downright racists attitudes.

To put it another way: It's a Thin Line Between The LAW and HATE.

Which brings me to the latter part of your entry. LMBAO. You wile, yo! Not just wild, but WILE!

Just glad MY pic is posted, thus, HOPEFULLY separating me for the ummm... USUAL SUSPECTS!

Ain't racial profiling a beeotch?

SLC said…
@Carey, I was picked up, but they let me go after 20 minutes. I fit the description of someone in the neighborhood. This actually happened while I was still living in Paterson, New Jersey.

@Don and 25Champ, "Grown accustomed", "norm" So true. At least now we may have some company.

@Moaner, The person that spoke these words was once arrested by Hitler. Hmmmm. As usual, Keith makes a number of strong points and his Timothy McVeigh reference is almost funny in its irony.

Which brings me to the latter part of my entry: I gots issues man. Ingrown hairs are tickling my brain.
Felicia Monique said…
Greetings, SLC!

I am here at the request of Don, because of my "dislike" of SB1070. Thank you Moanerplicity for posting the Niemöller quote, as that is exactly what some/most/all of the concern is about -- "the big deal" isn't just about this one group of people, but ALL people.

Personally, I love my brown brothers and sisters, their culture, and their ability to hold their culture and families together.

I grew up in a diverse (Mexican, Vietnamese, White, and Black) area, and value all cultures and ethnicities. For me, any law setforth to allow for the harassment and detainment of persons based on skin color and a weak suspicion screams racial profiling and unconstitutional. Sure, Black men are racially profiled on the regular, but does that preclude you, as a Black man, from not being able to feel compassion for another ethnic group? As the Niemöller quote implies, who will speak for you when you remained silent and there is no one left?

I could continue on with my stance on immigration, but that doesn't appear to be the purpose of this posting.

Lastly, do you really believe this statement to be true: "They’ll only go after people that might be here illegally."
SLC said…
Welcome Felicia.
I definitely feel compassion for other ethnic groups and think the innocent legal immigrants may be in for experiences far worse that I have dealt with.

As the Phoenix Sun's owner now has his team wearing "Los Suns" Jerseys, I hope the owners of the team had them wear black armbands are something when the state's representatives (including John McCain) voted against honoring Martin Luther King back in '83. Just sayin...

For black men, is it possible that our numerous experiences with racial profiling has left us a little indifferent?

You mentioned laws set forth to harass and detain. Even when there is no law, as Moanerplicity states,

So many people, so few cops, and fewer of the latter DOING the RIGHT THING is cause for concern. As Black Men we should know all to well how that uniform can hide corrupt mindsets, deep-seated prejudices, and downright racists attitudes.

To put it another way: It's a Thin Line Between The LAW and HATE.

Since I posted this in jest I think my true feelings may be hidden. I detest racial harassment of any sort, but I also think illegal immigration has allowed slavery to continue unabated, just without the whips and chains.

I know my suburban house would have cost much more if not for illegal immigrants. But in truth it did cost a lot more. It cost someone here legally a job.

I do not like Arizona SB 1070, but maybe the dialog it is causing will reveal it to be a blessing in disguise.

Lastly, they'll go after whoever doesn't look like them.

Thanks Felicia.
See you over at Mariposa Tales
Felicia Monique said…
Thank you for posting your "true feelings."

"...I also think illegal immigration has allowed slavery to continue unabated, just without the whips and chains."

What an excellent way to describe America's current abuse of undocumented (Latino) immigrants. America definitely benefits from having undocumented immigrants in this country. So, the question then becomes, who are the real villains--the poor and unfortunate or corporate America?

I'm not up on hyperlinking in the body of a post, so here is the actual link to a blog I wrote about this subject a few months ago.

I love honest and respectful dialogue!
Rich Fitzgerald said…
Whew! So many thoughts on the comments. First, I am not comfortable or "used to" police harassment. In fact, it never happens to me, if it did, I would complain to every TV station that would listen. Somebody would be losing their job.

I can't say I'm digging the law in Arizona either. It just doesn't seem right. How about they REALLY crack down on the WHITE dudes who are employing these illegals. If they did that, the problem would be solved.

As for the cat heading toward Florida, all I can say is mannnn, that was funny.

BTW, I think I'm going to take your advice on that family issue you commented on. Good advice my brother.
Reggie said…
Please be sure and add "Reggie" to that list as well!!!