Speak Life SLC

I’ve been in a funky mood since the middle of this weekend. I found myself feeling as if I was on everyone’s back burner except God’s. Making matters worse, I wouldn’t keep my big mouth shut. I didn’t have anyone to vent to so I just followed in the footsteps of my ancestors; I murmured and complained.

And the whole congregation of the children of Israel
murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness:

Changing gears here.

In the parable of the sower, Jesus said that the “sower soweth the word”, or, “The farmer plants the Word.”
Somewhere else Paul said, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Putting all of this together, I’ve decided to stop sowing negatively into myself. Doing so only makes one madder, angrier, more depressed, and isolated. A much better idea is to speak life.

It is the spirit that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that
I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63

Death and life are in the power of the tongue:
and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Proverbs 18:21
Have a Blessed Week Family.


hey my brother. i am here for you. you have a right to murmur and complain. (but only give it ten minutes) that's my motto. we know all days aren't going to be good days and we need to get some stuff off our chest from time to time. but after the venting, ranting and raving, something subtle comes along and reminds us that there are much bigger fish to fry. we have moments as human beings and to express those moments is a lot healthier than surpressing them. take it from a use to be "catepillar" i held in a lot of stuff growing up and it turned my beautiful brown hair gray. now if i don't color it every three weeks, i ain't a happy camper (smile) I bet this entire post made you feel better, didn't it? Love and hugs and always praying for you.

Love and peace
Big sis.
Solomon said…
Thanks for the encouraging words SLC. I've been in a funk for a few days myself. And I've been finding it hard to get out of this one.

@ butterfly: What you had to say made me feel much better also. Thanks!
SLC said…
Hey sis. Thanks for the boost. (again) Ten Minutes. That should be more than enough.

Solomon I'm glad you're out of the funk. (speaking prophetically)
Standing Able said…
SLC...you are never forgotten and placed on the back burner. I agree 10 minutes will be long enough if not too long. I know that there is must hidden in the corridors of YOU! This is my prayer for you...

**I come against any and everything that finds the need to attach itself to the man of God! Be thou removed and cast back into dry places. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus! Take your lying hands off of his mind, body and spirit! Fore his mind shall be renewed and his body refreshed in the mighty name of Jesus! Lord, I stand for my brother and I declare healing in all areas of the body and mind. I decree and declare that no weapon that shall ever be form shall prosper against Samuel Cotton in the mighty name of Jesus! Lord, have your way in ever area of his life. Use him Father for Your glory. I plant seeds of prosperity and I pray for a fresh and mighty anointing to fall upon him whereever he may be reading this right now, IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Lord, I thank you for his service to You and the Kingdom. I thank you Lord for his steadfastness and boldness. Bless his family and keep them covered in Your blood. Cover every aspect of his ministry. Lord, I speak into the atmosphere his name "SAMUEL COTTON"! Lord, anoint the sounding of his name...that it become a beacon to the lost, that compels the multitudes to come seeking him to teach them and show them the way to a personal realtionship with YOU! In Jesus Name, Amen!

Love you much bro!
Shaz said…
Always on the front bunner of your blog family... Hang in there! We miss u.
Just stopping by to check on your mental, physical and spiritual state. I know the Lord will keep you but remember, He has little helpers working and praying where we least expect it.

Love ya!
Solomon said…
All is well on my end. Haven't heard from you in a while SLC. Hope everything is well and the bumos in the road have been minimal.

Just checkin' in. Hope to hear from you soon!
Don said…
i have felt this particular way amny a times, yet i would simply keep it to myself cause i realized that i didn't really want the attentiuon either. but i definitely understand where u r coming from with this sentiment.

some of my favorite scriptures included.

stay blessed and inspiring as u r.
Mizrepresent said…
yeah, i had a week like this as well...and you know what the rain doesn't help. Thanks for this, it helped me to see things in a better perspective. have a great weekend!
Thanks for following my blog! You've got an awesome page here.

Don said…
Hope all is well SLC.