Pray for Her Daddy

A week ago my one and only daughter participated in the Gospel Music Workshop Of America Richmond Chapter's concert. My mother in law took her to rehearsal all week long and she was blessed to be able to solo on the children choir's first selection. McKayla shared something with her mother that she did not share with me. Apparently, some 10 year old boy tapped her on her barely 9 year old shoulder and informed her that his friend liked her. Now I don't know why she didn't tell me that. Also after the concert one of these two young farts was trying unsuccessfully to get her attention.  While I am proud of her for ignoring these lil' boogers I wish someone had came and got me from wherever I was so I could have laid hands on the precious little lads. I mean, I'm getting the impression she doesn't trust daddy in situations like this. She knows I was joking when I said she would live with us after she graduated from college, and of course I was joking about her holding off marriage until the age of 47, I mean I aint crazy.                              Ok maybe a little.

But she is my only daughter, and sanctification is a process that I am still in so y'all pray for me, and if not me, pray for the little boy cock roaches cause I'm a can of Raid and I'm on the war path.


Here she is right here. Introducing McKayla


ZACK said…
I'm with you somewhat, Papa SLC.

You should be glad that the boys in church like your daughter at all. Nowadays, the boys like the boys.

So, turn this period of discomfort into a reminder that you still have some straight men in the church.
Standing Able said…
OKKKKKKKKK! I love "pray for the little boy cock roaches cause I'm a can of Raid and I'm on the war path." I just love you! (funny)

Ok, I feel you on this topic and although I don't have children of my own, I have several Godchildren and nieces and nephews.

Ok, since I am a police officer I will tell you ALL of the girls that whenever we decide to let them go out on the first date it will go something like this...

*I am standing at the window with SHOTGUN in hand, watching for the the cock roach to come to the door. As the vehicle pulls into the driveway, I'm out the door standing on the sidewalk, as the cock roach gets out of the car. "Sweetheart don't even waste your time, "I DIDN'T LIKE THE WAY YOU DROVE INTO THE DRIVEWAY, GO ON HOME!" *with shotgun at my side*

So, SLC...I feel you and yes WE ARE CRAZY!

Prayers for US ALL!

Love Ya,
SLC said…
Hey Zack. Those little boys were more masculine than some of the brothers on the adult choir so good point. I should be grateful they weren't hittin' on my boys.

My sister. Your words of juvenile intimidation or such a comfort (and instruction), they make we want to join the force with you and free spirit. Thanks for your CRAZY support.
Keith said…
Hey Man, Being the father of only one daughter myself, I perfectly understand how you feel. My daughter is twenty eight and up until a few years ago..I was STILL
kind of like that. Too many of the
guys that came to the door reminded me of someone I know so well.-lololol.
Keith said…
Love the new look of the blog.
Love the new layout. You've got mad skills on the webpage stuff. (smile) Go ahead and do your daddy thing... I wish my dad was there when I was a little girl. She may give you strange looks from time to time but she will love you for it the end. Especially if you can prevent her from kissings many frogs in search of her Prince.

Love, peace and blessings for a great day!

Hugs and until I see you!
Myriam said…
Hello there-
Thank you so very much for stopping by. And yes, Kay Arthur is an excellent Bible teacher - highly recommend her studies.

Your daughter is very natural and what a beautiful song. Praising the Lord at such an early age - heaven must be smiling.

And yes, you have every reason to be protective of your darling little one.

God bless.

Shaz said…
I have no worries that as long as Daddy SLC is around, she will have no time for boys. Keep up the good work dad!!

I also let a comment on the family blog too.

BTW, Love the new look of the blog :)
Blah Blah Blah said…
I was speaking to a friend of mine the other day abotu his daughter and how she is growing up and starting to "fill out"...he is none to pleased abotu that!

I told him, I'd hate to be around the very first time his babygirl gets her heart broke by a raggity little man-boy...
He got so choked up he couldn't speak for a moment...and then he said in a very low voice...
I may have to by a cemetary so I have a place to put the body.

Men and their