Perseverance is all too rare a commodity these days. Theodore Giesel's first children's book was rejected by twenty-three publishers. The 24th publisher sold six million copies. Years later, "Dr. Suess" died knowing his perseverance resulted in entertaining and educating millions of children.

The value of perseverance is highlighted in many places in the Bible. For example, Galatians 6:9 says, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Persistence is a vital quality for leaders today.

My question for you is, "Are you being tempted to quit where you need to persevere?"
Source: Winner's Way
(Minneapolis: Mac Hammond Ministries, 2003)


I'm not tempted to quit. I use to think that "writing" was my passion, God is my true passion.

As much as I love to write, I've placed my dreams of publishing my book in God's hands. I figured if I focused too much on it, he would see it as an idol. Something he dispises. I've decided to wait on his green light. I have a book that's ready but it came to a halt and only he knows why. He will set the wheels in motion when I least expect it.
Keith said…
Thank you for your words of encouragement and for your support of my newest blog -"Escapades"
I meant to comment on your blog before now. I invite you to visit my other blog "Keith's Space" also.
I write about politics, economics, my family and whatever is on my mind on any particular day.
You are always welcome and thanks again.
SLC said…
Free Spirit you posted a poem a few weeks ago that almost had me blushing. It was that good, and deep, and moving, and easy to see with my minds eye. You called it The dance....
I'm just glad I got to know you before everyone else.

Keith, I can relate to a number of your posts on Keith's Space, especially the issues with Donna (the train)and Ellen. On Escapades, I see something HBO could use for their next Emmy Award Winning series.
Keith said…
I was quite a different man , when I was younger and before I got married and reaffirmed my faith..I hope nothing I wrote keeps you from returning.-lolol.
Strongblkwmn said…
I have definitely had moments when I wanted to give up, but I can't because writing is what I love to do. I recently entered a writing contest after sitting in front of my computer, confused and thinking I might not be able to compete. I got inspiration from a crazy source and couldn't stop my fingers from hitting the keys.

I'll admit, i'm a little scared about sending my book out to publishers but nothing is going to stop me. My dream is to publish myself, but it's always good to see what kind of feedback you get. Who knows, I might get a good deal.

To butterfly, keith, and slc - I enjoy all of your writing very much and you are all a big part of the reason I love to blog.
SLC said…
Strongblkwmn, I once heard someone say do it afraid. That takes some Faith, so you won the competition within.
Keith, if I could put my past into words it might change some folks perspective of me. I've had quite a few Escapades, but thanks to God I'm still here. Glad I got a Strong Black Woman to help my free spirit

Ok I must be tired......
Strong BLACK woman and SLC thank you for encouraging me and getting my emotions all warm and fuzzy. When we finally meet it's going to be a room filled with an abundance of LOVE! SLC, I'd like to have seen you blush. Didn't know brothas did that (smile)
Anonymous said…
@keith are you sure about that my friend?