Do You Know Mephibosheth?

Mephibosheth. What a name. The name Mephibosheth actually means exterminating the idol, but for this post, I’ll say his name means dropped. So; Do you know Mephibosheth?

According to 2nd Samuel 4:4, Saul's son Jonathan had a son named Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth was five years old when the news came from Jezreel that Saul and Jonathan had been killed. The woman who cared for Mephibosheth {was scared that the enemy was coming, so she} picked him up and ran away. But while running away, she dropped the boy. And he (Mephibosheth) became crippled in both feet.

A war was going on. It wasn’t Mephibosheth’s war. He was only 5 years old. This was an adult war. One that left him crippled for life.

Let me ask you again. Do you know Mephibosheth? Do you know a child born to be a great, lawyer, teacher, preacher, or even president, but they got dropped before their destiny was fulfilled? Do you know the boy that calls that man daddy, and then that man daddy, and for a couple a months another man daddy; one contentious mommy daddy war after another; mommy dropping him, then daddy dropping him, then another daddy dropping him, then daddy dropping him again.

Do you know Mephibosheth; The little girl, whose momma was so desperate for love that she forgot that the daughter loved her and needed her momma’s love and attention? Then momma found what she thought she was looking for in him, and the little girl got dropped by momma ‘cause momma found what she needed. Momma didn’t know it but that man caught that girl, had that girl, then dropped that girl again, and her momma never noticed a thing. Momma got saved years later but can’t understand why Mephibosheth is so hot in the pants.

I know Mephibosheth (not hypothetically). While in high school, Mephibosheth was the 3 year old girl, sleeping between her mommy and her mommy’s new man. Unfortunately the old man, her daddy still had a key, and a bucket of acid. Daddy threw it on the bed where he knew his ex lay with another man, realizing too late that the baby girl, his baby, took most of the punishment in this adult war. Scarred for life at age 3.

The next time you see a wayward child or teen, try to see through God’s eyes who they were destined to be before they got dropped, and pray that someone, maybe me, maybe you, can pick them up and get them restarted towards that destiny God called them to.

Love y'all,


Great Post! Our community has far tooooo many Mephibosheths.

Anonymous said…
First time are you?
SLC said…
I'm blessed Kin'Shar. Love your blogs.
Strongblkwmn said…
I know a family of Mephibosheths. Someone I know started having children at the age of 15 and didn't stop until they had nine, after losing two and having two abortions. Their children were born disadvantaged and it's really sad. The oldest is 25 and has four children, one is in jail, one just got out of jail, two live with the father (who neglects the others), and so on and so on. It's a messed up situation.

So many Mephibosheths, so little time.
We all know these children. Some of them are blogging as we speak. We all have a past where someone in our lives dropped us. But as we grow into our adult love and into the lord's hands, we let go of the past pain and make a choice to bring someone out of the darkness. Each one teach one!

Fantastic Post. Have a great Sunday! Love, peace & blessings!
Keith said…
Excellent Post...and yes, I knew plenty of people like that growing up in West Philly. That was every other kid I knew...Thanks for writing needed to be said.
Keith said…
Excellent Post...and yes, I knew plenty of people like that growing up in West Philly. That was every other kid I knew...Thanks for writing needed to be said.
Shanita Waters said…
Powerful! Very thought provoking and true. Unfortunately, I know quite too many of people like this.
Attorneymom said…
Praise God for this post. Thank you.