On September 23, a Strong Black Woman ended a post with the question, "Why don't we realize the value of life?" This was asked in regards to something disturbing she had seen where a man was beaten by two men with bats for his gold chain, his cell phone, and a wallet. After reading an article about the bodies of two adopted children found in a freezer; apparently placed there by there foster mom over a year ago, I was disturbingly launched back to SBW's question. I didn't claim to have an answer then, and I don't claim to have one now, but I think I know where to start looking. Darkness.
Maybe this is a stretch, but the first issue God dealt with was darkness. And God SAID, Let there be light: and there was light. (Genesis 1:3) It was God's Word that brought light then and it still is. The Bible says that the entrance of God's Word gives light (Psalms 119:130). Without it an individual is subject to do what you and I consider unthinkable.
Paul surmised it like this, "Their closed minds are full of darkness; they are far away from the life of God because they have shut their minds and hardened their hearts against him." (Ephesians 4:18)
I myself need to be careful that I don't live in situational darkness. If there is something I want to do so badly, that I decide not to seek God or Godly counsel, I could be allowing darkness to prevail in a situation for the satisfaction of my flesh. It may not be murder, but if it includes the rejection or ignoring of God's Word, then it's killing something in my relationship with God.
My goal, and my prayer for you is that we harden not our heart, and allow God's word to be a lamp for our feet and a light for our path, that shines first for our benefit, and secondly to draw people out of darkness.
The light shines through the darkness,
and the darkness can never
extinguish it.
John 1:5
Love, peace and blessings!
I have been working on a school project with my son over the past few days and the project reminded me of the awesomeness of God.
I think our minds have been assaulted by darkness through negative reports (via the news and gossip) such that it has robbed us of our light and joy in the Lord. I know this has been true for me.
Thanks for the complement. I wasn't going to keep this template, but the day I changed it a free Spirit commented on the calming effects of the blue.
I saw the project. Very well done.
Free Spirit thank you for inspiring the next post.
Thanks AM.
The template came from http://BTemplates.com
One word to describe all of you.
You instruct especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement.
One of the main issues which I struggle with, spiritually. Sometimes, well, most times, I feel that a hardened heart will prevent me from having to truly engage my soulful emotions when it comes to things hopelessly beyond my control.
Love this post.