Explore God's Truth

Some people think that faith and reason are incompatible. They believe that you have to check your intellect at the church door and they're wrong. The truth of God's Word will stand up to the most rigorous scrutiny. You don't have to lay aside your questions to begin a relationship with God.

In fact, He extends us an open invitation to explore His truth and His ways. In Isaiah 1:18 He says, "Come now, and let us 'reason' together." As the author C.S. Lewis once wrote: "Anyone who endeavors to be a Christian will soon find his intelligence being sharpened."

Have you fallen for the myth that faith in God isn't reasonable?


Strongblkwmn said…
My husband and I were just talking about having bible study together once a week so that we can learn the bible together. We don't go to church but we both believe in, and have our own relationships with, God. Trying to decide where to attend service is rough. He had an experience at a church that kind of turned him off. The people at the church tried to force him to become saved and it was only his first visit to the church.

I definitely don't think faith is God is reasonable. Faith opens you up to so many things that you can't help but become educated and informed.
You are so on point with this post. As a new found Christian, I have found that my intelligence has been sharpened a great deal. It saddens me to know that I was depriving my kids (now grown) of God's glory only because it wasn't taught to me. (Know better, do better) Now I see much more clearer, learning my rights from wrong and my friends from the devil. Loving all my brothers & sisters realizing that we are all struggling but if we get out of our "own" way, God wants to take over. Now that I've taken the word "control" off of my "to do" list, I can start living my best life now! Also have more free time to blog. Have a fantastic day!
Strong black woman, I'm falling n love w/ your marriage (smile) Bible study together, it doesn't get any more romantic than that. God is patient, when your husband is ready, he will. I was saved on May 4th of this year! PRAISE GOD, I haven't stopped smiling since.
Standing Able said…
We will never understand the mind of God! I am so sick and tired of these so called church folks turning people away from the truth of God. God is a gentleman and He doesn't force anything on anybody. God wants you to come to Him just as you are, not as some people want you to come. I agree a person who lives by truth will have his/her intelligence sharpened by coming into the knowledge of truth! I also am in awe of the marriage between strongblkwmn and her husband...keep praying and studying together and God will direct your paths. S(amuel)LC you are one of a kind and it is posts like this, that will get people to really think about their lives!

Peace and Continued Blessings!